Ambassador at Emory University
Class of 2026
Hometown: Boston, MA
Major: Neuroscience and Behavior Biology
Secondary Major: Physics
I'm usually in the WoodPEC, getting my cardio in through sports like basketball and tennis. In addition, I'm frequently at the Cox Computing Hall gaming section whenever I want to have a break from studying.
It makes me excited to explore the sports scenes and trends around Atlanta. Whether it be sports games or analytics I find myself gravitating towards those opportunities when I'm in the city. In addition, I also like to play basketball and other sports in the public areas of the city.
My most impactful class was Biology 142 (Foundations of Modern Biology II). I loved learning about cancer biology at the microscopic level. In addition, my teacher was fantastic and would even hold alternative office hours where we would go on long mile runs.
My favorite Emory tradition is Songfest. At the beginning of my first-year experience, all of the first-year halls compete by creating parody lyrics to popular songs with choreography to go along with it. I'm very appreciative that this tradition exists because I have met some of my best friends there.