Ambassador at Emory University
Class of 2026
Hometown: Auburn, AL
Major: Quantitative Sciences
Secondary Major: French Studies
At the very beginning of the college experience, all freshmen are invited to compete in Songfest, the ultimate battle between first-year residence halls to be the champion of song and dance. (See my profile banner picture!) A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, especially when you're singing about why your hall is the best along with roasting all others! This tradition was right up my alley (as a show choir kid) and a great way to meet the Sophomore Advisors (SAs) and other people in the hall. It is definitely a memory that will stick with me for years (yes, even the lyrics and choreography)!
to explore the plethora of food options! Though, this is quite difficult to accomplish without a car. Atlanta is a big city, and with that comes great diversity and a wonderful food scene. I know it exists out there, beyond walkable distance and the reach of Emory shuttles, but I have yet to make a dent in the list of yummy restaurants. I hope to start checking them off my list throughout my four years here!
From my nearly two years at Emory, my most impactful class has been the First-Year Seminar in QTM: Using Data to Study Inequality, taught by Professor Megan Reed. In this course, we examined studies of inequality by gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, etc. and the various methods used in these studies (experiments, surveys, administrative data, etc). The readings presented interesting results and insightful in-class discussions further altered my perception of inequality and how it persists in the world.
(honestly,) tucked away in the coziness of my dorm room. Nothing like a quiet space with minimal distractions to get work done, decompress, be creative, and just chill out. <<<That's the introvert in me talking :) But if I'm not absorbed in my studies, I would be catching up with friends over a meal or attending events hosted by various Emory organizations (you can seriously always find something to do on campus).