
Sheza M.

Oxford Ambassador at Emory University


Class of 2027

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Major: Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology

Secondary Major: Business Administration

What has been your most impactful class?

My most impactful class at Oxford has been Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with Dr. Olson. Although I'm not a WGSS major this class was incredibly eyeopening as we analyzed interdisciplinary feminist theory. We were also able to have discussions and learn from experts in the WGSS field.

What is your favorite Emory tradition?

My favorite Emory tradition would have to be Valentine's Day at Oxford! It was so fun to see everyone walking around the quad trying to find their personalized Valentine's Day message.

On a random day, you're most likely to find me….

You can most likely find me out on the quad enjoying the sunshine or on a walk with my friends on the nature trail!

My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is...

I love exploring new coffee shops and restaurants around the city. I also enjoy visiting the Atlanta Botanical Gardens and the marine life at the Georgia Aquarium!

I'm passionate about...

Mental Health Sustainability Running Spending Time With Friends Traveling

I'm involved with...

SAA Pierce Leadership Certificate Program South Asian Cultural Association
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