Ambassador at Emory University
Class of 2026
Hometown: Pernambuco, Brazil
Major: Psychology
My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is getting to know new restaurants! As a chronic foodie, finding a new spot to have a good meal with friends is a feeling like no other! Atlanta has so many amazing places to go eat, especially if you have the time to visit Ponce City Market or take a walk on the Beltline!
My most impactful class so far has been PSYC 205 (Child Development) with Dr. Elizabeth Kim! Learning about different aspects of our psychological and social development in infancy just confirmed my interest in Psychology, and also sparked a new interest in pediatric research that I never expected to have! I also made so many great friendships while taking the class, and it still is one of my favorite experiences I’ve had at Emory!
My favorite Emory tradition is Wonderful Wednesday, when our community comes together once a week on Asbury Circle to celebrate our school spirit and learn about the many communities that make up our school! Working as a moderator and attending the events weekly has definitely made my time here so much more fun!
Studying at Kaldi’s with an iced vanilla latte in hand! Maybe you’ll find me at the gym (when I’m not too lazy), or chilling with my friends at the quad!