Ambassador at Emory University
Class of 2026
Hometown: Waldorf, MD
Major: Psychology
Secondary Major: Economics
My favorite Emory tradition is Songfest. It is a super fun competition between the first-year residence halls, and is a great way to mingle and make friends in your dorm. Considering that it is done during orientation week, being able to see how strong the Emory community is is very important as it fosters school spirit, new friendships, and fun memories.
Try new restaurants and coffee shops with friends!
Doing homework with my friends in Barnes and Noble, getting Starbucks, or dancing!
My most impactful class has been Psychology 110: Psychobiology and Cognition, with Professor David Edwards. At first, I only planned on taking the class for the Science, Nature, and Technology credit because I thought I wanted to be a Political Science and Economics major. However, I found a true passion and interest for psychology in this class. Even though it was difficult, if it weren't for this class, I never would have thought of switching from Political Science to Psychology.