Ambassador at Emory University
Class of 2025
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH
Major: Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology
The most impactful class I have taken at Emory is PSYC 110 with Dr. Kazama. This class singlehandedly inspired my newfound interest in psychobiology and neuroscience, prompting me to change my major to NBB. I always looked forward to going to this class (even though it was at 8:30am) and Dr. Kazama made the material so fun and interesting to learn. Dr. Kazama also helped me get my research position studying PTSD with the Grady Trauma Project which has been a tremendous learning experience so far! Additionally, I ended up taking Dr. Kazama's Neuroscience of PTSD class my sophomore year which was so interesting, especially since my research specifically focuses on PTSD. I am now preparing to be a teaching assistant for PSYC 110 in Fall 2024 and am excited to help students understand the biology behind learning that helped me improve my study techniques! :)
On a random weekday, you will most likely find me at the on-campus Starbucks doing work, hanging out with my friends around campus, or working out at the gym. I also love taking walks in Lullwater Park and exploring the different coffee shops and restaurants around Atlanta.
My favorite Emory tradition is SongFest! I had such an amazing time getting to know other people in my residence hall during practices and the whole process of preparing and performing our songs/dances was definitely one of my top 5 best experiences at Emory.
My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is explore Ponce City Market and go on long walks in Piedmont Park with my friends, especially during the fall season when all the leaves are changing colors. I have had so much fun exploring the different restaurants and shops around Atlanta and the weather has been such an amazing transition from the unfortunate weather in my hometown of Cleveland.